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More Action, Less Risk? The Surprising Link Between Ejaculation and Prostate Cancer.

Research suggests that men who ejaculate frequently may lower their risk of prostate cancer. A significant study from 2016 tracked nearly 32,000 men over 18 years. It found that those who ejaculated at least 21 times a month had about a 20% lower chance of developing prostate cancer compared to those who did it only 4 to 7 times monthly. This trend was consistent across various age groups.

However, the exact cause of this connection remains unclear. While increased ejaculation appears linked to reduced cancer risk, it’s uncertain if it directly causes this benefit or if men who ejaculate more simply have healthier lifestyles overall. Additionally, ejaculation doesn’t seem to protect against the most aggressive forms of prostate cancer.

Not all studies agree; some smaller ones have shown mixed results, especially among younger men. Despite these uncertainties, the findings are promising and provide an opportunity for men to potentially reduce their prostate cancer risk through more frequent ejaculation.

In conclusion, while doctors aren’t ready to prescribe “more sex,” encouraging safe sexual practices and masturbation might be beneficial for prostate health.

Read more here.

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