
Touch and Go: Gender Differences in Erotic Touch in Mainstream Porn.

Watching mainstream porn has become a principal resource for men and women to learn about sexual behavior and erotic stimulation. In a groundbreaking analysis of content, eighty “most-viewed” video clips from two popular porn sites were meticulously coded for touch duration, location, and the gender of the toucher and receiver. The study revealed that women received significantly less genital stimulation than men, a gap that widened considerably with non-penetrative erotic touch.

Astonishingly, men received ten times more stimulation to their penis compared to women’s clitoris, and women predominantly carried out non-reciprocal genital touch. While extensive information about the importance of competent erotic touch for orgasm and pleasure is readily available, mainstream porn continues to strongly represent unbalanced and inadequate touching. This study highlights how widely accessible pornography still normalizes the notion that men’s sexual pleasure is primary, and clitoral stimulation is of secondary importance. Such skewed representations might be contributing to difficulties in achieving sexual pleasure, orgasm, and satisfaction for women.

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